Your donation to Family Renewal Project is an investment in the renewal of the family and our culture.
Family Renewal Project provides educational instruction and formation in the teachings of Saint Pope John Paul II’s Theology of the Body. We also offer psychological services through our Good Shepherd Institute of the Bluegrass (GSIB), which integrates the best mental health science with the truths of the Catholic understanding of the human person.
Our programs, events, and services teach the truths of human sexuality and the inherent goodness and human dignity of all people. From teenagers, college students, and singles to engaged couples, spouses, and clergy—and everyone in between—Family Renewal Project reaches people of all ages.
We are the first and only organization of its kind in Louisville addressing critical issues, offering timely solutions, and providing ongoing support—all under the same roof.
Amid the chaos of our culture, Family Renewal Project provide a reliable, orthodox, and joyful foundation for familial and cultural sanity. That is why our work continues to bear untold fruit in the lives of people in our local area and beyond.
Will you partner with us in this critical initiative of familial and cultural renewal?
Your donation is an investment
in the renewal of the family
and our culture.
Family Renewal Project also accepts donations by check; gifts of stock and other assets; and a variety of planned gifts, including IRA distributions. To give by check, please make your gift out to Family Renewal Project and send to 622 Woodlake Drive, Louisville, Kentucky 40245.
If you have any questions or would like more information about supporting Family Renewal Project, please click here or contact Garry Burry, President, at or 502-550-0149.
Family Renewal Project is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization; our EIN is 81-4191808. All donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent possible.