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1. How long have you been with the FRP team?  I’ve known Donna Burry since 2013/14 and began collaborating with Family Renewal Project within weeks of its founding. My official employment began in February of 2019 after coming home from World Youth Day in Panama.

2. How did you get involved with FRP?  I got involved through my ongoing relationship with Donna Burry and Susan Gendron. I’ve known Susan since I was in 7th grade at St. Aloysius in Shepherdsville, KY (before it closed down!). I read The Good News About Sex & Marriage by Christopher West (a book I believe Susan lent my mom who gave it to me to read!) and  have been enraptured with Theology of the Body (TOB) ever since. I’ve been involved with many TOB-related ministries within the last few years and in March of 2016 was granted a very generous gift that allowed me to attend the necessary graduate-level courses at the TOB Institute toward completion of my Theology of the Body certification. Family Renewal Project was founded only 2 weeks after I completed the first of eight TOB courses and because everything FRP offers is through the lens of TOB, joining with them seemed like a logical next step. 

* OF SPECIAL NOTE: Literally, today John is completing the last day of his final TOB immersion course. He will soon begin his practicum and once completed & accepted by the Institute he will be the ONLY person in the ArchLou who has earned the TOB Certification! 

3. What is your favorite thing about FRP?  My absolute favorite thing about Family Renewal Project is that it serves as a vessel for major transformation! I believe FRP is positioned to become a beacon for men and women seeking healing and renewal in their lives, understanding their purposes, and their family relations. Our TOB Crash Courses have already taken 100’s of people on a deeper dive into their own family and faith formation and are set to become a catalyst for incredible healing and renewal (and now we have the option for professional, Catholic psychological assistance when needed). 

4. What’s one of your favorite FRP memories to date?  I will ALWAYS remember the day in March of 2019 when we came together as a TEAM for the first time [in the Reide Room at Holy Family Church] and began facilitating the powerful message of TOB to people from across the ArchLou. Praise God for such incredible timing and openness to the Holy Spirit! 
5. What’s one of your favorite things to do?  Beyond spending time with family and friends, I absolutely LOVE to act in theatrical performances. I have been Nephew Fred in my parish’s production of A Christmas Carol since I was 15 years old, I’ve also played the Prince in Cinderella, and had parts in comedies and other short skits. Acting and producing plays is one of my greatest passions; I never knew it would become so near and dear to my heart. One day I hope to write and produce a play on the lives of the Saints through the lens of what the ideal modern + messy Catholic family might show us! 

6. What’s one of your favorite books and/or movies?  Without saying the obvious choice–the Passion of the Christ—I would say my favorite movie of all time is a more obscure movie called Frequency. It’s got Jim Caviezel and Dennis Quaid, but my oh my it is a thriller and a beautiful story of father and son finding a bond they didn’t think was possible, all through a mystical encounter from above. That’s all I’m gonna say about that!

7. If you could learn to do anything right now, what would it be?  It would definitely be to play the piano near perfectly and with effortless ease. I’ve taken lessons off and on for years, but I’ve always longed to be able to sit down and play anything (and everything!) for the sake of my family and friend’s enjoyment…AND for the ability to compose my own music!

8. What’s one place on your travel bucket list?  Rome! My parents visited Vatican City/Italy in 2005 and I’ve been mesmerized with their stories ever since. It not only changed their life, but I think it positively changed the life of our family from that point forward. (Jerusalem will be checked off the bucket list for me and my wife next month, when we go on a “Theology of the Body” Pilgrimage to the Holy Land — the place where God became man and took on a BODY!)

 9. What’s the last experience that made you a stronger person?  GETTING MARRIED! October 5, 2019 Crystal Ann Rose Sohl and I entered into the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony. So much goodness, beauty, and truth has come from that day, and I’m so excited to renew our vows every year and deepen our relationship with Christ together as husband and wife!

10. What’s one of your favorite Bible verses?  My all time favorite Bible verse is Psalm 139: “You have formed me in my inmost being; you have knit me in my mother’s womb. Behold, I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” I love the whole verse, but that’s the most recognizable part of it.

Our incredible Formation Coordinators – John and Cathy!

John and his wife, Crystal