Wine & Wonder
We recently ended the very first session of our Women’s Book Group, Wine & Wonder.
Led by Aileen Delgado, the ladies met every other Tuesday night to discuss “The Authority of Women in the Catholic Church,” by Monica Miller. We were thrilled with the attendance and discussion!
If you haven’t read the book, expect (1) to explore how women “exemplify the reality of the Church in relation to Christ and the ministerial priesthood*” and (2) a theological response to modern feminism and claims of gender irrelevance.
Of course, we recommend this book to every lady, starting as early as senior year of high school or freshman year of college. “I feel that it would be good for young women to learn about their feminine authority in the Catholic church early, but I also feel for women who are older it is never too late for them to learn and share that knowledge with others,” Aileen says.
Wine & Wonder is a great way to get connected with women in your faith community. Regardless of which Parish you attend, we hope you’ll join us for our next session in the fall.
And even if reading isn’t your thing, stay up to date with all our events by subscribing to our email list (here)or by following us on Facebook and Instagram.
Have a suggestion for our next book? Let us know! We’ll bring the wine!
– Haley