The Way of Trust: 54-Day Pentecost Novena
Request your FREE commemorative Novena Prayer Cards HERE
The front of the card is pictured left. The back of the card includes the Prayer of Petition and Prayer of Thanksgiving
Throughout this Novena, in conjunction with the National Eucharistic Revival, our prayer intentions will have a particular focus on the source and summit of our Faith, the REAL PRESENCE OF JESUS in the Eucharist. We are now in the third and final year of the Revival — the Year of Mission. Become a Eucharistic Missionary — learn more HERE.
Intention Prayers
Oración de Petición
Ven Espíritu Santo, llena nuestros corazones con el fuego de tu amor.
Confiamos en Ti con humildad en el Camino de Confianza, cuando anticipamos Tu descenso sobre nosotros en Pentecostés. ¡Ven, Espíritu Santo! Anhelamos la paz, la vida abundante, y el amor eterno.
Confiamos en que renovarás la faz de la tierra, y humildemente rezamos por la intercesión de la Sagrada Familia, bajo la protección de San José, y en el Santo Nombre de Jesucristo Encarnado.
María, Madre de la Iglesia, ruega por nosotros. Amén.
Te damos gracias, Poderoso y Santo Espíritu de Dios, por moverse sobre la faz de las aguas en el principio, y por crear la orden, la belleza, y la luz.
Santísima Trinidad, Te alabamos por quedarse con nosotros en la partición del pan.
Jesús, ¡confiamos en Ti! Madre María y San José, nos alegramos y tenemos esperanza en su amor tierno y su intercesión fiel. Amén.
Additional Information
A 54-Day Novena = Consists of praying a Rosary (five decades / one set of mysteries) each day for twenty-seven days in petition; followed by praying the rosary for twenty-seven days in thanksgiving, thanking God for how He will answer our petitions. We will all pray the same Prayer of Petition / Prayer of Thanksgiving to begin the rosary each day. Typically, a novena is prayed for 9 days. This is an extended novena, equivalent to six ordinary novenas (6 x 9 = 54). It is unique in its admonition to pray in petition for the first half (27 days), and pray in thanksgiving for whatever God gives us in the second half (27 days).
Peace be with you!
Join us as we continue our 54-day Rosary Novenas, established by Family Renewal Project. An archdiocesan-wide prayer initiative conceived during the Spring of 2020 in response to the lockdowns, confusion & isolation throughout the world … a simple effort to unify and strengthen the Body of Christ through the power of prayer! We believe the Holy Spirit guided us in a particular way to the 54-Day Rosary Novena, which historically has many associated miracles.
We titled our first Novena, The Way of Trust and it kicked off on the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Mother (8/15) and ended on the Feast of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary (10/7). Nearly 2,000 faithful from throughout the Archdiocese of Louisville and including folks from 26 States across the U.S. and 6 Countries around the world signed up to participate and when it ended, there was a desire for more!
We then organized The Way of Trust Christmas Novena {Solemnity of All Souls; 11/2 to Christmas; 12/25} followed by The Way of Trust Pentecost Novena {Wednesday of Holy Week to Pentecost Sunday}. The testimonials, notes, and messages we’ve received have been inspiring and have confirmed there is a deep desire for people to unite in prayer.
As a result, Family Renewal Project has committed that we will offer these same 3 Novenas year-round! We’ve modified the title of the original Novena to The Way of Trust Our Lady of the Rosary Novena which reflects Our Lady’s specific request for daily recitation of the Holy Rosary, as well as our trust in her powerful intercession.
We believe individuals and families will find comfort and peace when uniting in prayer for the same intention, trusting that Jesus, through His Mother and His earthly father, Joseph will protect and guide us.
We hope you will unite with us in prayer (and please help spread the word)!
Your support of Family Renewal Project-in whatever form you choose to give- is never taken for granted and is always appreciated!
Your prayer, your participation in our events & activities, sharing with others about our various ministries, and/or your financial gift all significantly impact the success of our mission.
If you choose to give a financial gift, you can contribute securely online by completing the following form. [If you prefer to send a check, please email [email protected] for mailing instructions.]
Family Renewal Project is an IRS approved 501(C)3 non-profit, tax exempt organization and your gift is tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.