Theology of the Body + YOU!
Hey everyone, summer is beginning, the days are growing long and the warm nights are perfect for hanging out with friends, discussing and debating the important things of life. You might have heard that the FRP team is excited about a huge event coming to Louisville in September called Made for More! It will be a multi-media experience, involving all the senses and directing our hearts, souls and minds to reflect on the creation of the world, the Creator and the significance of being created HUMAN.
In preparation for this event, we are offering a four part series based on St. John Paul’s teachings. Not often available locally, we want to be sure to invite YOU!

By learning about John Paul II’s Theology of the Body, you will have the answer to the questions:
1) What does it mean to be human?
2) How can I live my life in a way that will satisfy the deepest longings of my heart?
Sadly, the world and our culture seem to be unaware of the beauty and goodness that is naturally in created reality! We no longer allow ourselves to contemplate this mystery and be wowed by the fact that we humans are made in God’s image, having been given divinized bodies. Instead, we have accepted the lie that our bodies are separate from our spirit, which is another way of saying that all that is spiritually exciting, beautiful and meaningful is totally unrelated to what the physical body finds exciting, beautiful and meaningful.
This is a grave error and a complete distortion of the magnificent order God created from the beginning of the world! Subsequently, some of us find ourselves aimlessly wandering from one idea to the next, or one relationship to the next, in search of the truth, in search of a love, goodness, or beauty that satisfies that deepest ache and longing – and we never find it!
This 4-part introductory series is free of charge and includes video presentations each week by Christopher West, followed by discussion and reflection. Many people leave the series wondering “Why hasn’t anyone told me this before?”
Why? Because no one understood and explained it this way before! St. John Paul II’s teachings are a gift!
There is a tidal wave of cultural change sweeping America and the world. Many feel lost, swept up in fear, seeing only confusion and uncertainty. Now, with JP II’s help, we dive deeper into the mystery of creation itself. Using Scripture as his guide, JP II helps us to see the absolute goodness and beauty of God’s creation of man and woman from the very beginning, and our ability to image God in love in a way we have never heard of before! It is stunning, and it will take your breath away!
I hope you do not delay! Get out your planners, check your calendars! Then, please, sign up for Introduction to Theology of the Body to learn and hear for yourself what God had in mind when He created YOU!!
WHO: Cathy Blandford and John Sohl have been trained at the Theology of the Body Institute in Philadelphia and will facilitate the discussions.
WHERE: Holy Family Parish, Poplar Level Road, Reide Room. (Look for signs)
WHEN: Tuesdays June 11, 18 and July 2 and 9. Choose afternoon 1:00 – 4:00 PM; or evenings 6:30 – 9:30 PM.