Pentecost Novena Prayer Card
We have re-designed the accompanying prayer cards for each Novena (Our Lady, Christmas, and Pentecost). These cards are not dated and the prayers of petition and thanksgiving for each Novena will remain the same year after year going forward.
Prayer cards are available at no cost (though your donation to help cover the cost of printing and shipping is certainly appreciated). Request cards for yourself, your family, or a larger quantity for distribution at your Parish or School — simply complete the order form below.
The Rosary…What is it and Why?
NEW to the Rosary?
A young priest describes with simplicity & humor, what the rosary is, how to pray it, and what he is learning about it. (2:41)
WHY do we pray the Rosary?
Because it is the “Bible on beads”. Another young priest provides great insight and the difference between prayer and ‘babbling’. (5:00)
KofC presents: Fr. Don Calloway, MIC on “The Power of the Rosary”
Specifically for men & their role in praying and spreading the rosary, but any one (teens and older) can gain from this convert to the faith and best-selling author of “Champions of the Rosary” probably the most comprehensive book ever published on the rosary.
BUSTED HALO presents: The Rosary in Two Minutes
For people of all ages. A quick animated overview of its history and tradition, how to pray, mediating on the Mysteries, and more. (2:15)
“Where Does It Come From & Why Does It Exist?”
Fr. Don Calloway, MIC gives a presentation at a parish in Arizona. Given in 2015 as he was preparing to publish his best-selling book “Champions of the Rosary”. (1:08:52)
Our Lady’s Rosary Makers
Our Lady’s Rosary Makers is an international apostolate located in Louisville [4611 Poplar Level Road]. Please visit their website and take a moment to watch their video to learn about one of the best kept secrets of our Catholic faith and the Rosary world.
The 54 Day Rosary Novena … Whew!
A young Catholic blogger gives some basic history and her experience of the novena.
Why You Should Pray the 54 Day Rosary Novena
Blessed Is She contributor Claire Couche provides yet another part of history relating to the novena (Blessed Bartolo Longo) and the experience & outcome she and her husband had in praying it.
“The Irresistible Novena”
*Beginning at the minute mark 10:28 to 19:45 Fr. Calloway shares a greater portion of Blessed Bartolo Longo’s conversion and his personal 54-day novena story.
Creating a Family Altar
Local Catholic wife & mother, Pam Hamilton gives 3 easy steps for creating a sacred space in your home (from family home to dorm room) & many examples in pictures. (5:14)
Every Home Should Be a ‘Little Parish Church’
Fr Anthony McLaughlin, JCD (Sts. Peter & Paul Parish in Danville, KY) speaks from the heart about the importance of praying at home and how to prepare a place to do so. (8:46)
The Family That Prays Together Stays Together
Fr. Patrick Peyton immigrated from Ireland to the United States in 1928 with dreams of becoming a millionaire, but with the help of the most iconic celebrities of Hollywood, ends up being known the world over as “the Rosary priest”. He’s on the road to sainthood and a movie of his life will soon be released.
“Five ‘Marks’ of the Catholic Family
A brief article from Dr. Gregory Popcak and Teaching Catholic Kids.
All (4) Mysteries of the Rosary in Gregorian Chant
For the experienced or those interested in Gregorian Chant. [nearly 8 MILLION hits!] (1:29:50) The author provides this LINK to the Latin/English translations of the prayers.
AVE MARIA (Hail Mary) in MUSIC
Ave Maria Bach Gounod
Ave Maria Instrumental – 1 hour of relaxing piano & cello (1:11:31)
Ave Maria (Hail Mary)
Composed by Schubert, sung by Josh Groban (5:17)
Ave Maria (Hail Mary)
Composer, Sergei Rachmaninovs in his Slavonic original. The five images are a variation of Marian art from the ages and from across various cultures. The lyrics and translation are included. (3:25)
Ave Maria (Hail Mary)
Composed by Franz Peter Schubert, sung by Aaron Neville. Latin lyrics with English translation on screen. (4:53)
Brother Francis: The Rosary Prayer
Recording for children that teaches prayers of the rosary: Glory Be, Hail Mary and Our Father. (2:32).
Songs & A Mystery of the Rosary for Kids by Kids
1st 3 minutes = Animation of Our Lady of Fatima set to “Immaculate Mary” sung by Colleen Nixon; 2nd 3 minutes = Children pray one decade of the Rosary; final 3 minutes = Animation of Our Lady of Guadalupe set to “Hail Holy Queen” (Salve Regina) sung by Gretchen Harris. (8:55)
“My Time with Jesus”
EWTN special for children on the life of Servant of God Lucia dos Santos (one of the three Fatima visionaries). (27:32)
Video of the recent restoration of the Monte Casino Shrine
A great place for a day trip to visit and pray, inside the chapel and outside in the garden. Located near St. Meinrad Archabbey (see below). (8:07)
Website for St. Meinrad Archabbey
Located about 80 minutes from Louisville. Pray vespers or Mass with the Benedictine monks, live-streamed daily.
Website for Our Lady of the Snows Shrine
Located in Belleville, Illinois (just east of St. Louis) is this beautiful shrine to Our Blessed Mother inviting visitors to pause, meditate and pray. The Mother’s Prayer Walk is a tribute to mothers everywhere. Seasonal flower gardens surround the memorial walkway throughout the year, especially in the summer months when the “Our Lady of the Snows” roses are in bloom.
Website for The National Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help “America’s Marian Apparition Site”
Located in Champion, Wisconsin this is the sacred, peaceful place in the United States where the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared. It is a humble, quiet place of refuge, noble in simplicity, located in the heart of agricultural country in Northeast Wisconsin. Mass is live-streamed from the Shrine.
Website for Our Lady of Knock Shrine
Located in Knock, Ireland this unique shrine is famous around the world. You can watch Mass live-streamed from the Knock Shrine daily.