Family Renewal Project was established in 2016 to help “restore the family and renew the culture by educating and forming men and women to understand, embrace, and live authentic love and responsibility.” We strive to connect persons of all ages with the message of Theology of the Body through various programming and events.
Monthly Groups
Creating an authentic Catholic community for women of all generations.
We connect, learn, and grow in our Catholic faith while having fun together!
Building authentic Catholic community for men of all generations as we learn from one another and grow in friendship.
We hope to create a community to provide support, accountability, and inspiration so that we may witness to the love of God and help each other as we strive for the heights of holiness.
Supporting engaged and married couples of all ages by providing community, spiritual formation, and fertility resources.
All of us thirst for relationships, our world needs examples of holy marriages, and couples need other couples to support them in their journey to holiness! For engaged and married couples of all ages.
The Way of Trust: 54-Day Novenas
Join us for our prayer initiative to unify and strengthen the Body of Christ — we organize and offer three 54-day rosary novenas each year: the Pentecost Novena, Our Lady’s Novena, and the Christmas Novena. To learn more and sign up to participate, visit HERE or join the Facebook group for daily reminders.
Prayer Team
With prayer all things are possible! Will you join us in praying for the impact of our mission and ministries by becoming an active member of the FRP Prayer Team?
Each month you will receive an email with our specific prayer requests. You can include these in your daily or weekly prayer, you can pray one intention each day, you can read them all at once then ask God’s blessing upon the needs and intentions of FRP — it’s totally up to you!
Thank you! We want you to know that each time our Team gathers, we pray for the needs and intentions of those who are praying for us!
This image of the Holy Family is part of The Saints Project, a modern portrayal of Saints portrayed in a series of fine art photographs by artist, Kristyn Brown. The saints are brought to life by the everyday people who portray them.
Pilgrimage to the Holy Family
The Pilgrimage to the Holy Family is a prayer ministry for the sanctity of the family with the goal of establishing strong families focused on God. Participating families pray together everyday the Holy Family Chaplet. During their week of prayer, the family is supported by faithful prayer warriors that are praying for them and their intentions by name! Families take the Holy Family as a model and guide to foster growth and holiness in their family.
The Pilgrimage to the Holy Family Ministry began January 2009 in Louisville, Kentucky. As of December 2021, over 350 families have participated in the Original Pilgrimage that travels throughout the Archdiocese of Louisville. Pilgrimage to the Holy Family programs have also started in parishes in Louisville and outside the state.
In 2022, the ministry in Louisville partnered with Family Renewal Project to expand its reach and continue its work of renewing the family.
More Groups & Gatherings
Wine & Wonder
Reading and discussion groups for women. Series occur throughout the year.