Couples Community | Catholic Couples Network
April 26 @ 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Engaged and Married Catholic Couples of all ages are invited for spiritual formation, peer support, and fellowship! Couples with one non-Catholic spouse/fiance are welcome.
Couples Community Series
Gatherings for married and engaged Catholics seeking holy marriages
Saturday, February 22 | March 29 | April 26 | May 31
7 – 9pm
8296 Aiken Rd, Louisville, KY 40245
Join us this spring for any or all four gatherings with other married and engaged couples. Experienced leaders, Chris and Emily Stinson, will facilitate a new moderated discussion format.
*Nursing infants welcome.
Light refreshments will be provided. All are invited to remain after discussion to enjoy time together. Space is limited, please RSVP to confirm your spot!
Please register by completing the form at the end of the page.
Questions? Email: [email protected]
Catholic Couples Network is a ministry of Family Renewal Project, creating community and supporting engaged and married couples of all ages.